Appels à projets - Asuka VS Coronavirus
Pour les Asuka startupers et porteurs de projets. Retrouvez ici toutes les opportunités de financement, d’accompagnement et de visibilté sous forme d’appel à projets pour votre startups.
Open road alliance response to covid-19
In this time of uncertainty, nonprofits and social enterprises are being hit hard. Many of you have reached out to...
Mozilla open source support (moss) launches covid-19 solutions fund
As part of the COVID-19 Solutions Fund, we will accept applications that are hardware (e.g., an open source ventilator), software...
Icesco prize for fighting novel coronavirus (covid-19)
In its call for nominations, ICESCO stated that in the face of the international health crisis that affects humanity, the...
Appel à participation – Incubateur du playlab
The Cartier Women’s Initiative is an annual international entrepreneurship programme that aims to drive change by empowering women impact entrepreneurs. Founded...
Billion molecules against covid-19 jedi grand challenge – stage 1
It is critical to rapidly identify molecules/peptides/proteins that can block the development and/or spreading of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)...
MEA Seed Challenge
Orange Ventures Middle East & Africa is a dedicated investment stream of Orange group with 50m€ in assets. They are...
Mit solve elevate prize
The Elevate Prize is seeking to find, support, and shine a spotlight on these heroes, creating a multiplier effect that...
2020 IBM call for code global challenge
Technology has a vital role to play. See how three teams are working on solutions to replace physical queues into...
Mission Billion Challenge
Le Prix « Mission Billion », édition Afrique de l’Ouest cherche des solutions durables, basées sur la technologie, qui facilitent les...
2021 Cartier Women’s Initiative
The Cartier Women’s Initiative is an annual international entrepreneurship programme that aims to drive change by empowering women impact entrepreneurs. Founded...
UNDP Call for Nominations for Growth Stage Impact Ventures for SDGs
Le GSIV est une initiative organisée par le PNUD Genève, l’EPFL Tech4Impact, Orange et SAP, qui se concentre sur les...